Will your ears definitely become deaf if you are exposed to a noisy environment for a long time?

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  • Source:Resound Hearing Aids
Hearing and language are important means for us to communicate with each other and understand the world. However, the haze of ear diseases and hearing impairment bothers us. Among people with hearing impairment, some are born with it, while others suffer from it under the influence of the environment. Hearing impairment in adults is more likely to occur in the workplace.

Will your ears definitely become deaf if you are exposed to a noisy environment for a long time?
It has an impact. Can cause deafness.
The organs of the human body are amazing and have strong adaptability. The same goes for the ears. If exposed to a noisy environment for a long time, the hearing will slowly adapt to this lively environment. , the hearing threshold will increase. The hearing threshold refers to the softest sound that our ears can hear. An elevated threshold indicates worse hearing. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid long-term exposure to noise environments to prevent hearing loss.
Working in a noisy environment for a long time may cause hearing loss and lead to deafness. However, whether it will cause hearing loss depends on each person's constitution. . If you have a sensitive constitution, it is easy to cause deafness.

The most direct harm caused by noise to the human body is hearing damage. Will being in a noisy environment for a long time cause deafness? Being in a noisy environment for a long time can cause temporary and Persistent hearing loss. Under normal circumstances, noise below 85 decibels will not harm hearing, while noise above 85 decibels may be dangerous. Statistics show that long-term work in a noise environment above 90 decibels significantly increases the incidence of deafness.

How can people who work in noise for a long time prevent "noise-induced deafness"

1. Control the source of noise: This is the most active and fundamental way.
Various sound insulation, shockproof, and sound absorption measures should be adopted when building factories and installing machines.
Such as:
The noisy workshop is separated from other factories, and trees are planted in the middle;
The walls and ceilings of the workshop are equipped with sound-absorbing materials ;
The machine installation density should be sparse;
Use bandaging to prevent pipe noise;

Set up warning signs to prevent occupational diseases in the work area.

2. Reduce contact time:

For example: take breaks in a soundproof room or reduce daily and daily During the weekly exposure time to noise, take turns to work to prevent workers from working overtime. You can also rotate types of work according to the actual situation, which can also reduce hearing damage.

3. Ear sound insulation: Wear earplugs, earmuffs, soundproof caps and other soundproof equipment. Generally, simple earplugs should be used when working in a 80dB noise environment for a long time. Protective tools must be used when the noise is above 90dB.

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4. Health monitoring: Hearing should be checked before employment. People with sensorineural deafness and noise sensitivity should avoid working in a strong noise environment.

Therefore, in order to avoid hearing loss and deafness, you need to stay away from noisy environments in daily life, do not wear headphones to listen to music, and do not use amino sugars drugs to avoid causing deafness.

It is necessary to check hearing regularly, strive for early detection and early treatment, and prevent deafness caused by untimely treatment and restoration of normal hearing. Don't stay in noisy environments for too long.