How to tell if your hearing is declining?

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  • Source:Resound Hearing Aids
Nowadays, due to the influence of life pressure and bad habits, young and middle-aged people are becoming the "main force" of sudden deafness (that is, sudden deafness). So how do you know that you have hearing impairment? If you have the following conditions, you are likely to have hearing loss, and you should go to the hospital for a hearing test in time.

How to determine whether your hearing is declining?

My initial judgment is that I often feel that I cannot hear clearly or cannot hear other people's speech, often interrupt, and cannot hear the sound of the doorbell and phone ringing. In this case, I can basically judge that there may be hearing loss. , of course, it is recommended to go to a regular professional hearing aid fitting center to have a hearing test to confirm.

Whether hearing loss can be determined based on the patient’s symptoms and examination results.

1. Patient’s symptoms:
When a patient experiences hearing loss, the patient may show symptoms such as decreased sensitivity to sound and a significant decrease in language understanding. If not treated in time, the patient will Symptoms will continue to develop, and patients with severe symptoms may develop deafness, adversely affecting the patient's quality of life.

2. Examination results:
When a patient experiences hearing loss, the patient needs to go to the otolaryngology department of a regular hospital for corresponding examinations. The doctor will examine the patient’s ears, around the ears, etc. Conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient's tympanic membrane, external auditory canal, and middle ear cavity to see if there are any specific changes. Perform a pathological biopsy of the suspicious lesion tissue to help clarify the type of pathology. It is also necessary to conduct a whisper test, tuning fork test, and other tests on the patient. Hearing test etc.

If the patient suffers from hearing loss, the patient can choose methods such as hearing aids or cochlear implants to improve the patient's hearing.

Simple self-test method
1. You can hear the sound, but not clearly.
2. You cannot hear the phone or doorbell unless you are close.
3. You feel a sound in your head, such as buzzing or ringing (tinnitus).
4. Difficulty hearing sounds in a noisy environment.
5. It can only be understood and cleared when facing the speaker.
6. You feel that others are mumbling or unclear when speaking, and you often ask others to repeat something.
7. You need to adjust the TV sound to a level that is deafening to others. You find that you do not understand the topic of the conversation and often answer questions you do not understand.
8. It is difficult to attend meetings, go to public places or family gatherings.

Hearing loss is not scary. What is scary is that we blindly treat it and delay the best time to hear sounds. If we find hearing loss, we must promptly choose a regular fitting and testing center for testing and follow the test. The arrangement of the arranger allows us to regain our voice.

For some patients with mild to moderate hearing loss, it is not obvious in a quiet environment because most sounds can still be heard. However, when the environment is full of noise, it will become difficult and difficult for them to understand conversations. Therefore, if you find that your hearing has declined, or you have difficulty listening in a noisy environment, you must arrange for a professional hearing examination as soon as possible to understand your hearing situation in a timely manner, listen to expert advice, and detect early and intervene early.