Why do some people with hearing impairments have difficulty speaking clearly?

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  • Views:111
  • Source:Resound Hearing Aids
Hearing impairment is already a physiological problem that affects the most people in the world, and the language problems it causes even affect the language development of many children. In China, the number of hearing-impaired children is increasing at a rate of 30,000 per year. Some of these children have been diagnosed with hearing impairment at birth, and their language functions have almost stagnated. Children with hearing impairment due to other reasons, Their language function is also significantly affected.

Why can’t some hearing-impaired people speak clearly?

Most of the reasons why you cannot hear others clearly are caused by hearing loss. Hearing loss is divided into two types. Sensorineural hearing loss, such as presbycusis, is sensorineural hearing loss. There is also congenital deafness, which is also a sensorineural hearing loss, mainly caused by damage and decline of hair cells in the inner ear or damage to the auditory pathway of the auditory nerve.

This situation is very normal. For example, a person with congenital hearing impairment is affected by the congenital defect and cannot make correct understanding and learning during the language learning period because he cannot hear all the information. Therefore, it is impossible to express correctly, resulting in unclear speech. This happens to people who had hearing loss before they learned the language.

We all know that the main function of hearing is to hear and understand speech clearly, and then learn to express wishes in speech to achieve the purposes of communication, communication and learning. Under normal circumstances, after a baby is born, he is stimulated by sound signals, which are transmitted to the auditory center through the hearing system, and then to the language center. Only after this connection has been accumulated and consolidated countless times can the language center of the brain be more effectively stimulated. Make it perfect. Once hearing is damaged, the auditory nerve cannot receive frequent and repeated effective stimulation. Long-term lack of effective stimulation will lead to delayed development of the auditory center and language center of the cerebral cortex.

Long-term non-use will lead to the rigidity of the articulators and functional deterioration of the articulators, which will severely affect the breathing control during the vocalization process, the pitch and intensity of the voice, the coordination of the resonance cavity, and the rhythm of the rhythm. A large impact makes it difficult to maintain normal timbre and rhythm.

From the perspective of speech therapy, hearing impairment before acquiring language and after acquiring language have completely different effects on language development. It occurs before acquiring language or at a moderate or above stage of language development. Hearing impairment can make it difficult to acquire language. Therefore, in terms of treatment, not only effective compensation of the hearing channel is required,Training to promote language acquisition is also required; and the treatment of hearing impairment after language acquisition is only a matter of hearing compensation.

Speaking is the basis of language expression. Letting hearing-impaired children speak is actually conducive to the development of children’s intelligence, because the process of language communication is a collision of three different perspectives, which are different Under the impact of ideas and opinions, children will try their best to surpass each other, and their language, logic and thinking abilities will be exercised, which to a certain extent also promotes children's intellectual development.