What are the symptoms of mild hearing loss?

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  • Source:Resound Hearing Aids
Hearing disorders are also called deafness or hearing level. It is the number of decibels by which the human ear's hearing threshold at a certain frequency is higher than the normal hearing threshold. Hearing loss caused by age is called presbycusis; hearing loss caused by social environmental noise (excluding the effects of age, occupational noise and disease) is called social deafness; hearing loss caused by occupational noise is called noise-induced hearing loss deaf.

What are the symptoms of mild hearing loss?

Mild hearing loss refers to the inability to hear sounds below 25dB. Such sounds include whispered conversations (whispering), rustling leaves, chirping birds, water drops, etc. On the audiogram, mild hearing loss shows that the average hearing threshold of the four frequencies of 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz, and 4000Hz is in the range of 26 to 40dB.

Patients with mild hearing loss can listen well in a quiet environment, but when the environment changes slightly, the negative impact of mild hearing loss will follow.
1. Although you can hear speech at close range, it will be more difficult to hear when the speaker is more than three meters away:
2. Listen to softer sounds in a quiet environment, You need to raise your ears, narrow the distance, and concentrate to hear clearly, such as whispers, the rustling of leaves in the wind, the sound of birds, water drops, etc.:
3. It is more difficult to listen softly in a noisy environment. Small sounds are even more difficult to distinguish;
4. Listening to other people’s words will cause confusion, and sometimes others need to repeat themselves to hear clearly;

5. As the hearing declines, it will affect the patient’s physical and mental health , such as avoiding contact with others, being prone to suspicion and jealousy, having a bad temper and being irritable, etc.

Impact on daily communication For people with mild hearing loss, they often do not find that they have hearing loss because they often use it in their daily lives. Can communicate face-to-face well with people, and can hear well in a quiet environment, almost no different from people with normal hearing. However, when the environment changes slightly, the negative effects of mild hearing loss ensue. For example: talking to people farther away,If it exceeds 2 meters, it may be a little difficult to hear speech at normal volume; in a noisy environment, or when multiple people are talking, the situation may become audible but unclear about the conversation.

Once hearing loss is discovered, whether it is mild or severe, early intervention and optional hearing aids are recommended. Wearing hearing aids not only helps patients hear sounds, but more importantly, protects their residual hearing.

Hearing damage is deafness. There are many causes of deafness. Most hearing damage is difficult to return to normal. Hearing is one of the main channels through which humans perceive the world. When hearing is slightly reduced, it is often difficult for us to perceive, but mild loss may have serious consequences.

The most common causes of mild hearing loss are noise exposure and aging. Additionally, there are many other causes of mild hearing loss, some of which, with prompt treatment, may result in hearing loss. Examples include cerumen embolism and ear infections (such as otitis media). Therefore, when you find that your ears are full, painful, or have discharge, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time to avoid unnecessary or even irreversible hearing loss.